Skype News

2006년 Skype 관련 뉴스를 다시 돌아봅시다

버섯돌이 2006. 12. 31. 10:23
오늘이 2006년 마지막 날인데, Skype 공식 블로그에서 2006년 Skype 자체 뉴스 중 인기 있었던 또는 의미있었던 것을 골라서 발표했는데 아래와 같다.
몇몇 포스트에 대해서는 "VoIP on Web2.0"에서도 분석한 바가 있는데.. 가만히 보니까.. 올해 Skype가 무척 많은 일을 한 것 같다. 그리고 VoIP 확산 및 기존 통신 사업자의 간담을 서늘케 하는 여러 가지도 발표했었고...


Announcing a whole bunch of stuff at CES… including the NETGEAR WiFi phone

Skype 2.0 for Windows gold release with video. It hasn’t even been a year of Skype video. (The first ever public beta of Skype for Windows with video came out on December 1 2005.)

5 million people online. (We’re on track to hit 9 million soon now.)


Skype and FON start working together.


SkypeIn in Japan and Brazil and a party to celebrate the Brazil launch..

Estonians win 3 gold medals in winter olympics.


The user story videos.


SkypeIn Australia.

100 million registered users. And a picnic to celebrate.


The high-end Dell XPS systems come pre-loaded with Skype.

Netgear starts taking wifi phone pre-orders.


Skype 2.5 for Windows beta with shared groups, SMS, new emoticons.

Buy Skype Credit at Sainsbury’s in the UK.

Free SkypeOut calls in North America.

Tuk to the Road — two British girls drove a Thai tuk-tuk from Bangkok to Brighton, using Skype to stay in touch with the world.

Your Account page got a facelift.

Lech Wałęsa is on Skype.


Skype at eBay Live! in Las Vegas.

Skype 1.3 for Linux beta.

Buggy old version of Skype for Mac with video leaked.



Skype 1.5 beta for Mac and video preview.

The Skype tram.


Sony Mylo.

Skypecast questions and answers with Shashi Tharoor, UN Undersecretary General.

Skype’s third birthday. Birthday card competition results.

Cordless phones from Netgear and Philips.


Free SkypeOut in France.

“Freedom of Communication” in Poland with Niklas, Lech Wałęsa.


New office in Tallinn. It has cats.

Skype Gear.

MiniCards from MOO.

“Talk for Britain” — free SkypeOut calls in the UK.


Skype 3.0 Beta for Windows.

Skype 2.5 Beta for Mac.

The WiFi phone package with FON.

The U.S. President gets a Skype phone.


Expanding to Prague in 2007.

Skype 2.2 Beta for Windows Mobile.

Skype Unlimited plan for North America in 2007.

Skype 3.0 for Windows final version.

The management changes.

The iPhone is a Skype phone.

이 모든 것의 결과는 결국 2006년 Skype 매출 및 손익을 통해 평가될텐데.. 2006년 실적은 모회사인 eBay에 포함되어 2007년1월24일에 발표된다고 한다.

2007년 Skype는 계속 승승장구할 것인가?