카테고리 없음


버섯돌이 2006. 9. 26. 01:14

▶ Headline
George Clooney pleads for peace in Darfur

조지 클루니 다푸르 평화 호소

▶ Contents

Clooney predicted mass slaughter if the September 30th
deadline is allowed to pass without firm Council intervention.
"So after September 30th, you won't need the U.N. You'll simply
need men with shovels and bleached white linen and headstones.

United Nations investigators have rejected the U.S. characterization
of the killings in Darfur as genocide, saying it does not meet the
strict legal definition of the term. But in an impassioned address,
Clooney rejected that distinction.

"The United States called it genocide.
For you, it's called ethnic cleansing.
But make no mistake. It is the first genocide of 21st century.
And if it continues unchecked, it will not be the last."

▶ Key Expressions
* slaughter: 학살, 대량살인
* deadline: 최종기한
* firm: 굳은, 단단한, 확고한
* intervention: 중재
* shovel: 삽, 부삽
* bleached: 표백한, 하얀
* linen: 리넨, 면
* headstone: 묘석