카테고리 없음


버섯돌이 2006. 9. 26. 01:05

Montreal Students Mourn Death of Woman

몬트리올 학생들, 희생된 여성위해 애도


It was about 1 o’clock in the afternoon when gunfire erupted
at the school in the heart of downtown Montreal.
That college is a scene of chaos and fear and bloodshed.

“It was a machine gun and he shot the people right next to us. So we were all running or hiding in the bushes. And there was debris flying from the bullet shots right next to us.”

The gunman firing randomly or targeting students lying on the floor, witnesses said. Killing one woman, at least 20 injured, some critically. He was dressed in a long dark coat, Knee-high boots, a Mohawk haircut.

Key Expressions
* gunfire: 총탄, 포화
* erupt: 발발하다, 발사하다.
* chaos: 혼란
* bloodshed: 유혈, 살육, 학살