카테고리 없음


버섯돌이 2006. 9. 26. 01:02

▶ Headline
Subaru Finds the Most Distant Galaxy
스바루, 가장 먼 은하계 발견

▶ Contents
Two studies in the journal Nature suggest that galaxies were
forming when the universe was only six percent of its present age.
That would be not long after the so-called Big Bang.

In one paper, Japanese astronomers, led by Masanori Iye of the
National Astronomical Observatory in Tokyo, report discovering the
farthest galaxy yet seen. Iye's team used the Subaru telescope in
Hawaii. They confirmed the age and distance of the galaxy by its
redness. The redder an object is, the farther away it is. This is
because light from receding bodies shifts downward into these
lower light frequencies, just as the sound of a passing car horn
drops in pitch.

▶ Key Expressions
* galaxy: n. 은하계
* form: v. ~의 형태로 만들어내다, 형성하다.
* universe: n. 우주, 은하계
* present: 현재
* Big Bang: 빅뱅, 우주대폭발
* Masanori Iye of the National Astronomical Observatory in Tokyo
: 일본 국립 천문대 이에 마사노리 교수 연구팀
* Subaru telescope: 스바루 천문대